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UC Browser (formerly known as UCWEB) is a Web and WAP browser with fast speed and stable performance. It supports video player, website navigation, Internet search, download, personal data management and more functions.
This is a surprise move from Microsoft Devices division. They have made Opera Mobile browser as the default browser for their Nokia X series devices. Nokia X2 device which was announced today comes with Opera as the default web browser. The Opera browser is also available for free to download from Nokia Store. Lars Boilesen, CEO, Opera Software commented the following on the deal,
*Preloaded games may vary by sales region.Environmental featuresEnergy efficiencyUnplug charger reminder
Eco content and servicesEco zone available at Ovi Store
MaterialsFree of PVC, free of nickel on the product surface, free of brominated and chlorinated compounds, and free of antimony trioxide as defined in Nokia Substance List
RecyclingAll materials of the device can be recovered as materials and energy
PackagingMade of renewable, up to 60 % recycled material. 100% recyclable, reduced compact package size
User manualblack&white printing, eco tips on Green Page
Package contentsStandard Sales PackageNokia X2-00
Nokia Battery BL-4C
Nokia Compact Charger AC-3
Nokia Stereo Headset WH-205
Nokia High-Efficiency Charger AC-8C (China only)
Nokia Connectivity Cable CA-101D (China only)
User guide
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